North West Landcarers
NW Landcarers are the regional body made up of district, incorporated and unincorporated Landcare groups in the North West of New South Wales. The committee of the North West Landcarers is made up of a representative body of the chairs of each incorporated Landcare group in the region.
As a member and regional body, the NW landcarers Chair holds a position in the Landcare NSW State Advisory Committee (SAC).
In 2027, the North West Landcarers will have transformed our region into a model of environmental stewardship with each pillar contributing as follows:
- Education: We will have educated and empowered hundreds of individuals through workshops, seminars, and online resources, ensuring that every member of our community has the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills to make environmentally responsible choices in agricultural, peri urban and urban settings.
- Partnerships: We will have strengthened existing and fostered new partnerships with local schools, businesses, government agencies, and environmental organizations. These collaborations will have resulted in significant funding, resources, and expertise for our initiatives.
- Community: Our community will be united, actively participating in local Landcare projects, tree planting initiatives, wildlife habitat restoration, and citizen science programs. We will have created a culture where caring for the environment is a way of life.
- Advocacy: Through effective advocacy, we will have influenced changes that prioritize the protection and restoration of our region's natural assets. Our advocacy efforts will be recognized at regional and state levels, contributing to a more resilient future through regenerative practices.
For more information contact Jacqui Gidley-Baird on 0401 717 015