Biodiversity in our community.
Gunnible Landcare Inc, with support from LP & G Landcare Coordinator Nicky Chirlian, hosted a workshop funded by the Biodiversity Conservation Trust on 25th October at the Gunnedah Aero Club, and then later at 347 Blue Vale Rd, Gunnedah.
20 community members attended the workshop, coming from Gunnedah, Dungowan, Boggabri, Manilla, Mullaley, Tamworth and Willow Tree.
Rachael Payne, Senior Regional Conservation Officer – Northern Inland, NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust presented information about opportunities for landholders to support Biodiversity.
The main speaker was Liz Blair, Ecologist from Ecosystems Thinking. Liz gave an excellent presentation on aspects of habitat management, such as building and rebuilding habitat at small and large scale, and creating, recovering and regenerating habitat and species on farm or urban areas.
Gunnible Landcare’s chair, Tony Bernays, demonstrated the strength and diversity of plantings commenced 27 years ago at his property “Eldorado”.
The event received excellent publicity in the Gunnedah Times, with a journalist interviewing several attendees and providing a full page article and photos.