Compost purchased by Tamworth farmers gives back to Landcare

Tamworth Regional Landcare Association (TRLA) has just taken delivery of composted soil conditioner and fine wood mulch at its Landcare Nursery on Wallamore Road, Tamworth. The compost and mulch were donated by Renew Organics and BioCarbon Soil, who have been operating the composting facility at 123 Forest Road for Tamworth Regional Council since March 2022. At that time, they introduced new equipment and processes to improve the quality and availability of composts and mulches in the local area.

TRLA hosted a free information event and tour of the composting facility on 20 July 2022 to coincide with release of the first batch of high-quality compost, which is still manufactured using a combination of paunch and green waste source separated by residents and businesses. Over 80 people attended the event, including many farmers and graziers.

The TRLA event presented the growing opportunity for farmers to use locally manufactured compost to improve soil health and the resilience of their production systems. Information was also provided on the closely related topic of soil carbon sequestration and commercial opportunity presented by generating Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU).

At that event Renew Organics and BioCarbon Soil committed to donating 1 tonne of compost to TRLA for every order placed by a farmer of 100 tonnes or more. They extend their sincere thanks to the farmers tried the composted soil conditioner during the 2022-23 financial year and are pleased to extend the arrangement until March 2024.

Paul Moxon, who Manages the Landcare Nursery, gratefully received the donated compost and mulch. Paul “The soil amendments will be used during planting of seedlings to improve tree survival”. Angus Johnston advised the Nursery that “After a hole is dug for the seedling, the compost should be mixed with local soil approximately 1 part in 5 to improve soil organic matter and help the tree establish. After planting the mulch should be spread on the surface about 5cm thick to further improve water retention and supress weeds.”

For orders of 10 tonnes or more of compost and mulch, and advice on its use, contact Angus Johnston at BioCarbon Soil on 0466 411 241 or email Residents in the Tamworth LGA can purchase and pick up utility or trailer loads of compost at 123 Forest Road, North Tamworth. The busiest time of year is September to December so now is a great time to order ahead ready for planting in Spring.

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Our members often say that when you become part of Landcare, you’re not just joining a group, you’re becoming part of a family. The concept is so compatible with Australian culture it’s hard not to get involved! By becoming a TRLA member, you’ll be supporting our work, learning new skills, becoming part of the solution, and helping to make a difference for the future.


together we can make a difference

funding support

Did you know (TRLA) run an Annual Small Grants program for Landcare activities connected to the Tamworth region.

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