Getting muddy with Gunnible Landcare Inc
On a cold and wet morning of 26th September 2024, Harry Davey and Jay Barnett from OzFish Unlimited, Nicky Chirlian Liverpool Plains & Gunnedah Landcare Coordinator, and Tony Bernays, Chair of Gunnible Landcare Inc gathered to implement stage one of a Namoi River restoration project, on “Eldorado”, Gunnedah.
The crew planted 300 Lomandra Longifolia sourced from Tamworth Regional Landcare Nursery, round the top and midsection of a steep cut in the riverbank. An efficient planting with a handheld auger drill (making quick work on beautiful loam), hand planting the Lomandras into the holes and then watering.
There is significant flood damage to the river banks, and it is hoped restoration on this section of the Namoi will be able to continue on a
larger scale.

PS A special creature greeted the writer…