Water in the Landscape Initiative - about 


The slopes of the Upper Namoi Valley are a significant water catchment for the Murray Darling system.  Changing rainfall, temperatures, agriculture, industry, population and livelihoods, and major policy changes to environmental, water, and agricultural governance, will all affect our region. We will need better planning and community strategies to cope.

Our focus is on resilience to adapt to challenges, including water availability, climate change and environmental pressures.  This will require sustainable water management, landscape rehydration, and community engagement, to ensure a sustainable future for the Upper Namoi Valley.


After extensive consultations, Tamworth Regional Landcare Association, Tamworth Regional Council, the University of New England, community organisations, and landholders have formed an alliance to improve water and landscape management across our region.  This is the Upper Namoi Valley Water in the Landscape Initiative (WILI).  We aim to enhance the economic, social, cultural, and environmental sustainability of the Upper Namoi Valley through community engagement, collaborative projects, research, and education.


Collaboration, education, research and advocacy will ensure an informed and inclusive community able to address the water management challenges in the Upper Namoi Valley.

We recognise the diverse landscapes – urban or agricultural, public or private, recreational or industrial – and their communities as assets when building resilience.


An Upper Namoi community that proactively manages its path towards a water-secure and resilient future.


  •          Agriculture, all forms including industrial
  •          Urban water, including waste water management for domestic and industrial use
  •          Natural resources and biodiversity
  •          Cultural Heritage, Indigenous Knowledge
  •          Climate variably and adaption
  •          Research and innovation
  •          Public Policy




Support collaborative networks to facilitate innovation through education and advocacy on local and regional issues and initiatives.  Create opportunities for the community to participate in shaping the future of water management in the region.


Education activities, co-designed projects, hands on opportunities and accessible courses to build knowledge and skills to address water security, sustainable water and landscape management and climate variability in the region.


Advocate for the interests of communities, and for regional water and landscape initiatives, to address issues of concern related to water and landscape resilience, security, and equity in the Upper Namoi Valley and beyond


Cutting-edge research to guide a proactive and informed approach to managing water and landscape resources, to ensure long-term water security and resilience.  Research priorities will ensure access to regionally relevant water and landscape knowledge to address climate variability, water security, resilience and the water resources in the region.


Enable the better management of water through collaboration, education and action regarding future environmental and water policies within the catchment areas and their communities


Our challenge

Water does not recognise fences, only landscape management does. These photos, reflecting reality and consequence at the end of the 2015-19 drought in the high Upper Namoi catchment, intend no criticism. They look at a possible future and pose a question for us all – how can each one of us manage ourselves, our communities and our landscapes, wherever they may be in the Upper Namoi, to create a resilient water future for us all.



  • Community engagement, knowledge-building, and capacity building: a cooperative learning community where knowledge and experiences are shared, local ideas and solutions are supported and regional capacity building strategies are jointly developed and resourced to tackle Upper Namoi Valley water and landscape challenges, as a part of the Murray-Darling Basin.
  • Education: educational materials, workshops, field trips, professional development, short courses, micro credentials, and regional school programs that support collaborative planning and community strategies to promote climate resilience and the Upper Namoi Valley's sustainable future.
  • Water and Environmental Policy Engagement: supporting stakeholders to understand and adapt to the rules and administrative arrangements that affect their use and management of water and natural resources.
  • Research Projects: securing grants and other funding for a collaborative research agenda, to pursue research projects co-designed with community and industry to seek solutions for regional challenges.
  • Cultural Heritage: fostering a collaborative and inclusive community that values the fundamental importance of First Nations' relationship with Country in understanding and finding solutions for water and landscape challenges.

WILI Statement of Intent WILI Statement of Intent     Social Covenant Social Covenant


By December 2023, we have 24 registered participants in the WILI, and others have indicated an intention to do so. These registered participants include the University of New England, two Local Government Associations, nine agricultural stewardship organisations (e.g. local Landcare groups), eight individual primary producers, and six specialised product or service providers.

You can register as a WILI member below. 


First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Organisation/business name
ZIP code

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The application period for the QBE Foundation Local Grants Australia 2025 program has now opened. The application process will be open from Monday 3 March 2025 until Thursday 3 April 2025 at 5pm AEDT.

Small Grants Program is now open!

We are excited to announce that this year's round of our small grants program is now open. Volunteer Landcare, Grassroots Community groups and organisations can apply for up to $2,500 for activities that meet an objective of TRLA’s strategic plan. Applications close on March 1, 2025 with successful applicants being announced during April.

Namoi Soil Symposium

Namoi Soil Symposium

Namoi Soil Symposium
Save the date for an inspiring and informative event focused on soil health and sustainable production systems! Hear from distinguished speakers, including Dr. Rob Banks, Cameron Leckie, Scott McCalman, Amy Perfrement, and internationally renowned soil health educator Joel Williams, returning by popular demand.

When: 12th March 2025
Where: Emerald Hill Community Hall

Registrations open in January 2025. For further information, contact Nicky at nicky@trla.org.au or 0488 056 199.

Our members often say that when you become part of Landcare, you’re not just joining a group, you’re becoming part of a family. The concept is so compatible with Australian culture it’s hard not to get involved! By becoming a TRLA member, you’ll be supporting our work, learning new skills, becoming part of the solution, and helping to make a difference for the future.


together we can make a difference

funding support

Did you know (TRLA) run an Annual Small Grants program for Landcare activities connected to the Tamworth region.

Volunteer Landcare and Grassroots Community groups can apply up to $2,500 for activities that meet an objective of TRLA’s strategic plan with eight successful projects being awarded funds from across the region.